All songs ©2023 by Robert Rabinowitz except where otherwise noted

All arrangements by Robert Rabinowitz
More information available at:


New Works and Arrangements for Flute and Diverse Instrumentation


  • Tempus Will Fugit (for flute, bass flute, and piano)
  • Even As I Am or You Are (for flute and violin)
  • Unintended Espionage (for solo bass flute)
  • Silent Tristero’s Empire (for flute and cello)
  • The Square Root of Not (for flute, alto flute, viola, cello, piano)
  • Radiohead Medley (for flute, alto flute, viola, cello, piano) - Radiohead/Thom Yorke
    • Creep
    • No Surprises
    • Paranoid Android
  • Thick as a Brick (for voice, flute, alto flute, violin, cello, piano) - Ian Anderson
  • Locomotive Breath (for voice, 2 flutes, violin, cello, piano) - Ian Anderson


Each composition on Tonal Recall’s program explores the idea that there is no absolute truth, that all interpretations are subjective and tentative, and that the pursuit of understanding is an ongoing, never-ending journey. Shifting harmonies and textures suggest that there are many possible interpretations of the music, and that each listener's experience is unique and subjective.


During the performance listen for a sense of tension and uncertainty, of shifting perspectives and conflicting viewpoints, repeated patterns that gradually transform and evolve over time, suggesting that even the most seemingly fixed ideas are always in flux. We invite you to reflect on the idea that truth is ultimately subjective and elusive and that our interpretations of reality are always provisional and tentative.


Tempus Will Fugit (Time Will Fly) is a line from the book Finder’s Keepers by Stephen King. "Time is the answer. Time mercilessly culls away the is-stupid from the not- stupid. Time will pass! Tempus will fugit!" More than anything this is a book about the power of storytelling. It examines the relationship between literature and the real world. Just replace story/literature with music. Time Will Fly... not only does time fly but in fact time will fly and it will fly faster and faster until...? In the context of quantum physics, the phrase "Tempus Will Fugit" can be related to the concept of time dilation, which is a fundamental aspect of the theory of relativity. According to this theory, time appears to pass differently for observers who are moving at different speeds or who are in different gravitational fields. Additionally time is not considered to be a fundamental aspect of reality, but rather an emergent property that arises from the interactions of quantum systems. This means that the passage of time is not necessarily a linear progression but can be influenced by various factors, including the measurement process and the state of the observer. This might lead us to ask ourselves: “How much Tempus is there left to even Fugit?”


Even As I Am or You Are invites us to question the nature of identity and the ways in which we understand ourselves and others. “I” - “You” - How is one different from the other? Why? Am I? Are you? Why? Do you know that the DNA of any two people on Earth is 99.6 percent identical. Musically, this being a duet, listen for similarity and differences between the two parts. When there are similarities - how close is their DNA?


Unintentional Espionage - there have been instances where music has been used as a covert means of communication for espionage purposes, such as in the use of coded messages or hidden signals in lyrics or musical notes. Once, during a performance, Tonal Recall played an original song that unknowingly included a secret code. Intelligence agencies throughout the world immediately recognized this as a covert means of communication yet, to this day, have all been unable to decipher that code. This is that same piece. We will continue to play it until someone figures it out. (Note: We do know this much: Unintentional Espionage contains a pattern that matches one of the equations for The Square Root of Not. Interestingly enough, The Square Root of Not doesn’t contain any equations relating to the mathematical interpretation of itself.)


Silent Tristero’s Empire is a mysterious and elusive organization in “The Crying of Lot 49” by Thomas Pynchon. The protagonist, Oedipa Maas, becomes obsessed with uncovering this organization and through her pursuit of Tristero, Oedipa discovers a new way of seeing the world and a new possibility for freedom and liberation. Ultimately, the meaning of Silent Tristero's Empire lies in the idea that there are always hidden forces and alternative paths that exist beneath the surface of our everyday lives. The unknowability of the truth about Tristero represents Pynchon's central argument that any one interpretation is only ever subjective and tentative—there is no absolute truth.


The Square Root of Not - The idea that there is no absolute truth is also related to the uncertainty and unpredictability introduced by quantum mechanics. A simple check, such as an attempt to construct a truth table, should persuade you that there is no such operation in logic. It may seem reasonable to argue that since there is no such operation in logic, that it is impossible. But it does exist! The concept of the "not" gate is a fundamental quantum computing gate that acts as a quantum equivalent of a classical bit flip, and its square root can be constructed by combining it with other quantum gates. Experimental physicists routinely construct such “impossible” gates in their laboratories. It is a physically admissible operation described by the unitary matrix: √ not x √ not = not. (This is analogous to how you can define the square root of -1 by thinking of multiplying by -1 as a rotation through 180 degrees on a number line. The square root of -1 then becomes a rotation by 90 degrees.)


Radiohead Medley - Radiohead's music often explores themes of existentialism, disillusionment, and the elusive nature of reality.

  • Creep: the chorus of the song repeats the line "I don't belong here," which could be seen as a rejection of the idea that there is a predetermined place or purpose for each person in the world.
  • No Surprises: a critique of modern society and its tendency to prioritize conformity over individuality
  • Paranoid Android: the feeling of confusion and uncertainty that comes with questioning the nature of reality


Thick As a Brick - the phrase "thick as a brick," can be interpreted as a criticism of those who cling dogmatically to a particular worldview or ideology. The song suggests that such individuals are intellectually stunted and unable to engage with the complexity and ambiguity of the world around them. "Thick as a Brick" can be seen as a rejection of the idea that there is a fixed, objective truth or reality that governs our existence. The song emphasizes the complexity and ambiguity of human experience, and suggests that there are multiple perspectives and interpretations that can be valid and meaningful.


Locomotive Breath - the lyrics of this song describe a person's inner turmoil and struggle, which can be seen as a rejection of the idea that there is a clear, objective path in life. The narrator of the song is wrestling with his own thoughts and emotions, suggesting that there is no one "correct" way to navigate the complexities of human existence.


Note: Some of these program notes were generated using the artificial intelligence app ChatGPT. Can you tell which ones? Generating program notes using Artificial Intelligence can be seen as a way to acknowledge the plurality and fluidity of interpretations. Other performers and listeners may have different interpretations based on their own experiences and perspectives. Thus, program notes can be seen as a starting point for understanding the music, but not an absolute truth. It can also be an opportunity to reflect on one's own biases and assumptions, and to embrace the uncertainty and richness of the musical experience.


We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who joined us for this musical performance and for being a part of this journey. We hope that the music has provided you with a unique and meaningful experience and we look forward to continuing to explore the infinite possibilities